Tragedy in Romania: HIV and Shakespeare

Romania would be better off paying for more Shakespeare festivals than for HIV-prevention efforts, the country’s culture minister recently said.

Last December, our Minister of Culture said that Romania would be better off paying for more Shakespeare festivals than supporting efforts to prevent the transmission of HIV.
In the wake of furor over this statement, the Minister resigned. However, many Romanians at risk for HIV are left to hope that the sentiment underlying his comments—namely, that programs to prevent HIV are a waste of taxpayers’ money—will be as easy to dislodge as the man himself.

Continue reading Tragedy in Romania: HIV and Shakespeare

Developing local answers to emerging HIV threat among legal high users in Romania (Project Report)

Starting with 2012 August until  2013 November, the Romanian Harm Reduction Network had implemented the project Developing local answers to emerging HIV threat among legal high users in Romania, under the agreement with SIDACTION, with a budget of 31,000 Euro.

The project was implemented in 8 Romanian cities: Bucharest, Iasi, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Galati, Constanta, Brasov and Sibiu.

The training program aim was to increase the capacity in outreaching, understanding and working with people who use new drugs. The training was addressed to professionals working in community-based drug services and in public institutions responsible with medical and social services for at-risk groups from 8 Romanian cities, using international and local expertise. Continue reading Developing local answers to emerging HIV threat among legal high users in Romania (Project Report)

Photos: Inside a Romanian Drug House

Revista TIME a publicat in editia online un material despre Romania care avertizeaza cu privire la iminenta aparitiei unui nou val epidemic HIV. Puteti citi articolul aici:,9171,2017055,00.html . Daca pina anul acesta Romania serviciile de prevenire si tratament HIV erau vazute ca un model de buna practica, problemele aparute in ultima perioada o pot transforma intr-un model de politica gresita, un simplu „ASA NU!” Incetarea finantarilor internationale care permiteau desfasurarea programelor de schimb de seringi, epuizarea bugetului pentru tratamentul HIV cu patru luni inainte de incheierea anului, proasta gestionare a problemei drogurilor legale, lipsa de reactie a Ministerului Sanatatii in contextul cresterii cererii pentru serviciile de tratament substitutiv sunt tot atatea argumente in favoarea unei ipoteze pesimiste.  Continue reading Photos: Inside a Romanian Drug House