Learn Addiction, the first open e-learning platform to learn about addictions (PRESS RELEASE)

Romanian Harm Reduction Network just published Learn Addiction, the first open e-learning platform on prevention, intervention and treatment of addictions.

The platform is accessible from computers, tablets and smartphones and it includes the following modules:

Module 1: Prevention, intervention and treatment of behavioural addictions.

Module 2: Prevention, intervention and treatment of addictions in young people.

Module 3: The gender perspective in the prevention, intervention and treatment of addictions.

Module 4: European drug prevention quality standards.

The Learn Addiction platform (www.learnaddiction.eu) is available in seven languages (English, Spanish, Slovenian, Portuguese, French, Romanian and Czech) under a Creative Commons license. Thus allowing anyone to freely use it, modify it and build upon.

The Learn Addiction platform is an initiative of UNAD -The Spanish Network of Addiction Organisations- in collaboration with: UTRIP -Institute for Research and Development- (Slovenia), RHRN -Romanian Harm Reduction Network-, DIANOVA Portugal, SANANIM (Czech Republic) and FEDITO BXL -Brussels Federation of Institutions for Drug Addicts- (Belgium) and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


Note: The ‘Learn Addiction’ project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The content of this press release is the sole responsibility of the project partners.


For further information on the ‘Learn Addiction’ project, please, contact us at info@learnaddiction.eu

Find out more at www.learnaddiction.eu and follow us on:

Twitter: @AddictionLearn

Facebook: @LearnAddictionProject

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